Healthy Lifestyle Solutions with Maya Acosta

173: The Transformative Effects of a Plant-Based Lifestyle on Mental, Physical, and Spiritual Wellbeing with Dr. Angela Crawford

Dr. Angela Crawford

Dr. Angela Crawford joins us today to talk about how a plant-based diet affects our mental and emotional wellness. Stay tuned to discover more about the significant effects of veganism and its social and emotional challenges.

Be inspired to get started on changing your way of life by understanding the Stages of Change Model!

Key takeaways to listen for

  • Veganism vs. plant-based lifestyle
  • How to make a successful transition to a healthier lifestyle
  • Why is it difficult to change one's diet and way of life
  • 7 effective strategies to promote a plant-based diet
  • How does a plant-based diet lowers the severity of Covid-19
  • Plant-based diet: Overcoming challenges and resources

Resources mentioned in this episode

About Dr. Angela Crawford

Psychologist, Transformational Coach, and Vegan Lifestyle Educator 

Angela Crawford, Ph.D., is a licensed psychologist with over 23 years of experience providing psychotherapy to address anxiety, stress, trauma, and medical issues. She has long been interested in holistic approaches to healing the mind, body, and spirit. She is certified as a master vegan lifestyle coach and educator through Main Street Vegan Academy. She holds a certificate in Plant-Based Nutrition from the T. Colin Campbell Center for Nutrition Studies at e-Cornell.  

Dr. Crawford is currently conducting research for a book on the transformational impact of a plant-powered, vegan lifestyle for mind-body-spirit wellness. She serves as a Psychology Advisor for, an online platform where individuals can share the health benefits of a plant-based diet. Angela authored the e-book 7 Best Practices to Inspire Your Loved Ones to Go Plant-Based. She lives with her husband in Vestal, NY.

Connect with Dr. Crawford

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